The Sharps consider themselves an elite class and are characterised by a distinct love of sophistication and classic luxury. As traditionalists, they scorn the extravagance of the Streets and their perceived lack of maturity. The Sharps represent this "high society" in an elegant and contemporary style.
The Streets do not want to blend in with the crowd and are certainly not shy about proving it. For them, success is synonymous with making an impression and going against the grain. Provocative and sometimes extremely so, they mock the Sharps' traditional and conservative ways. The Streets are driven by a much more underground and extravagant street culture.
The organisers of the Solar Crown selected Hong Kong, a city with many faces, to host the next competition. As both an urban jungle and natural jungle, Hong Kong is the ideal playground to settle the disputes between the Sharps and the Streets. The modern and technology-leading city of Hong Kong is also one of Asia's symbols of luxury where the world's most incredible street racing cars can be found! But Street or Sharp, the city will only remember one name: the winner of the Solar Crown!
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown is above all about a love of cars, especially luxury cars. Cars that signify a certain status but also cars that win races! Your garage will be home to Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Audi, Mercedes, BMW, Ferrari, Porsche, Range Rover, Koenigsegg, Apollo, Bugatti and many others. However, you'll need to demonstrate your commitment to the Solar Crown and the clan you represent to gain access to all these exclusive models!
The Solar Hotel is the main competition area and also where the players live, like their very own HQ. Built by the organisers of the Solar Crown, this enormous tower houses a huge luxury hotel complex. Visible from much of the island, its interior design is a perfect blend of technology and the finest materials. The Solar Hotel was designed to be a flagship building for the ultra-high-end market and one that meets the lofty expectations of its wealthiest clients. Note: access to the most luxurious suites is reserved for the most prestigious clients. These guests can enjoy the Solar Hotel's exclusive services.
Whether you are STREET or SHARP, you share the same passion for luxury. You just express this passion in different ways. Cars, clothes, rewards, the places you frequent… it's clear that money is not your sole motivation. However, the reputation you build among the Solar Crown invitees will be your best asset.
Your racing schedule will also include meetings, transport missions and convoys. You will become a respected member of the Solar Crown by standing out and getting yourself known. Doors will open and missions will follow. You can't lose sight of the competition's ultimate goal, but you won't always need to be the fastest. Casinos, nightclubs, rooftops… alone or with your trusted circle, you should always be at the right place at the right time.